时间: 四月20日 (周五) 8:00pm
描述: 国际知名马林巴(类似木琴)演奏家,日本友好人士,2005年艾玛豪歌青年音乐家大赛(Ima
Hogg Young Artist Competition) 第一名得主, Fumito Nunoya 将在哈佛大学表演巴赫,德布西, 施蒂文斯等曲。免费入场.
地点:哈佛大学 Adams House 图书馆,26 Plympton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Fumito Nunoya, international award winning marimba player, will perform music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, Leigh Howard Stevens, Anna Ignatowicz and more. @The Library, Adams House, Harvard University, 26 Plympton Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
The concert is at 8pm and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. This is part of the Adams 75th Anniversary Recital Series.
For more information about the artist, please visit www.FumitoNunoya.com