成语是中华语文的骨髓。 用得恰当,文章会有“出口成章”,“句句”珠玉,“妙笔开花”之感。用错了则令人“贻笑大方”,认人觉得作者在“班门弄斧”。(朋友们应该都知道我属于写中文颇有“拔牙”之痛的这一类,哈哈.)
英文也不例外。 在日常生活中,职场上,交际,会话,讲台上一两句恰当的成语,会让人对你“刮目相看”, 而“摇身一变”,成为”顶呱呱”的英语高手.
以下是八句很常用的英语成语. 大家不妨试一试, 保证绝对“有效应”!(各位也可以在儿女们面前试试。They will be impressed. Guaranteed! )
1. “Any Tom, Dick and Harry”
是指“任何人” 的成语。举个例子:
Why did he ask that dumb question? Any Tom, Dick or Harry could answer it.
2. “At wit\'s end”
I’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work. I’m at my wit’s end.
3. “At the end of the day”
All I am saying is that, at the end of the day, good use of idioms separates the good speakers from the “so-so” speakers.
4. “Butterflies in your stomach”
Do your palms sweat when you have to give a speech or perform in public? Does your heart pound? Do you get butterflies in your stomach?
5. “Back of the envelop”
意思是“粗略” “不很精确”
Jane did a “back of the envelop” calculation and decided the car was a sound purchase.
6. “Bet your bottom dollar”
You can bet your bottom dollar that that woman (man) is up to no good.
7. “A dime a dozen”
These Chinese-made imitation pearls are a dime a dozen, I’d rather go for real ones.
8. “Off the cuff”
The president\'s off-the-cuff remarks were better than his prepared statements.
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