有兴趣制定你的职业计划吗? 请来参加有关职业计划的免费讲座, 让我们助您一臂之力!
地址:本拿比公共图书馆(铁道镇) 6100 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby本拿比
时间:二零零七年十一月十五日星期四 下午一时至四时
语言:普通话, 需要中文服务请电604-684-2504
报名请致电 604-684-2504 或 亲临温市333 Terminal Ave. 502室登记
Interested In Planning Your Career? Attend our Career Planning Workshop & let us assist you!
Location: Burnaby Public Library (Metrotown) 6100 Willingdon Ave., Burnaby
Time: Thursday, November 15, 2007 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Language: Mandarin, if you need services in other language, please call 604-684-2504
For registration, please call 604-684-2504 Or visit us at #502-333 Terminal Ave. Vancouver
Please register early to ensure a seat!
For your information, Multilingual Case Management is one of Immigrant Services Society’s employment counselling programs, is funded by the Federal Government, and has served the employment needs of Vancouver and the Lower Mainland for over 10 years. We provide one-on-one employment counselling in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Hindi and Farsi; at no cost to clients.
For more information about our program, please call 604-684-2504.
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