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Free Workshop Presented in English with Mandarin/Cantonese Interpretation
Offered by
Immigrant Services Society of
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
內容 Contents:
什么是RRSP What is a RRSP?
为什么要买RRSP Why Buy RRSPs?
RRSP和个人所得税减免 Income Tax Benefit of the RRSP
购买的条件 Who is Eligible to Purchase RRSPs?
每年最多可买多少 The Annual Maximum Purchase Amount
哪里可以买到 Where RRSPs can be purchased?
何时能享受收益 When to Receive the Benefits
提前把钱提出来会怎样 What Happen if You Take Money Out Before Retirement
RRSP的其它用途 Other Uses of the RRSP
主讲: Robert Lee, CFP, Financial Planner
Speaker: Robert Lee, 注册理财策划师, 财务规划师
时间(Time & Date): 2007年11月28日星期三下午4点至6点 (如遇恶劣天气,如大风雪,讲座有可能改期) (May be rescheduled if the weather is very bad i.e. snow storm) 地点(Venue): 卑诗移民服务会 Immigrant Services Society of BC Room 103, 咨询或报名(Inquiries or Registration): Annie Zhou: Tel/电话:778-284-7026 ext. 3 (转3号分机) |
BC 移民服务会地址
Map of Immigrant Services Society of BC
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