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ISSofBC Provides Much Needed Services for New Westminster Newcomers
ISSofBC Hosts its New Westminster Site Open House, April 14, 2010
The Immigrant Services Society of B.C. (ISSofBC) has recently established a centrally located site in New Westminster which offers much needed programs and services to newcomers.
ISSofBC My Circle Program (Multicultural Youth Circle Program for Newcomer Youth) provides peer facilitator/community leadership training specifically designed to support immigrant and refugee youth who are facing challenges integrating into their new lives in Canada. Youth facilitators/leaders work in partnership with schools, community centres, and neighbourhood houses to deliver youth driven and youth led support services.
In partnership with Family Services of Greater Vancouver, ISSofBC Youth Connexion Program offers language and communication skills, life skills, career exploration, and work placement opportunities for immigrant and refugee youth. This program provides a safe and supportive learning environment for youth of ages between 16 - 25 to gain practical skills which help them overcome employment and social barriers. Work placement partners have included Zellers, Urban Planet, Arts Umbrella, and Shoppers Drug Mart.
ISSofBC Multilingual Case Management Program provides personalized one-on-one employment counseling services in 15 languages. Newcomers receive support in career planning, job search such as resume-writing and interview skills, knowledge of Canadian labour market, workplace communication and cultural adaptation tips as well as referrals to skills training, English language upgrading and employment assistance programs.
Funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development, ISSofBC Skills Connect Program helps skilled immigrants develop individualized action plans based on assessment of qualifications and experience. This program provides assistance in credential evaluation, referrals to government-funded skills upgrading as well as referrals to professional associations and colleges for academic and trades upgrading.
ISSofBC Language College offers classes at literacy to upper intermediate CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) 5 level of language training. Lower level classes offer reading, listening, and speaking skills instruction as well as information about Canadian culture and community resources while upper level classes focus on English for the Workplace which assist newcomers to gain workplace language, communication, computer, and job search skills. Clients include new immigrants from over 24 countries of origin such as Togo, Afghanistan, China, Korea, Russia, India, Congo, Liberia, Somalia, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Kosovo, and Romania.
ISSofBC will host an Open House for its newly established New Westminster Site on Wednesday April 14, 2010. The Open House is extended to representatives of community organizations, funding agencies, as well as New Westminster businesses and residents. The event, to be held from 2pm to 4:30pm, will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a site tour, and a visit to an ELSA (English Language Services for Adults) class.
ISSofBC Provides Much Needed Services for New Westminster Newcomers
ISSofBC Hosts New Westminster Site Open House, April 14, 2010, 2pm to 4:30pm
#200-620 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 1J2
Contact: Alice Wong, Manager, Multilingual Case Management, ISSofBC
(Phone #: 604-684-2520; email: alice.wong@issbc.org)
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