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It is a 4 weeks training on every Wednesday in September.
Date: September 4, 11, 18, 25, 2013
Time: 10 am - 12 pm
Location: Training Room of Options Community Services
13520 78 Avenue, Surrey
Week 1: Consonants
Week 2: Vowels
Week 3: Intonation
Week 4: Labour Market English
1) Client must be committed for minimum 80% of attendance. If a client misses more than 2 sessions, he/she will lose her spot.
2) ELSA Level 4 is preferred.
3) Client must inform the facilitator in advance for absence.
4) Child minding is available.
Seats are limited.
If you are interested, please register with your name, phone number and email address at 604 572 4060 or lily.li@options.bc.ca.
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