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For Immigrant Older Youth Aged 17 - 29
This 7-week FREE series will include workshops on:
• Understanding your strengths and skills and sets better
• Canadian labor market and trends
• Exploring different occupations in Canada
• Planning and setting goals for youth path
• Building your resume and cover letter
• Preparing for a successful job interview
• Work site visits and program tours
Choose from,
Series A Series B
Tue / Oct. 7 Thur / Oct. 9
Tue / Oct. 14 Thur / Oct. 16
Tue / Oct. 21 Thur / Oct. 23
Tue / Oct. 28 Thur / Oct. 30
Tue / Nov. 4 Thur / Nov. 6
Tue / Nov. 12 Thur / Nov. 14
Time: 4 pm - 6 pm
Place: Surrey City Central Library
10350 University Drive
Surrey, BC V3T 4C3
Eligibility: Permanent Residence
Must not be attending high school
Registration: lily.li@optioins.bc.ca or call: 604 572 4060 ext. 1133.
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