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Betting on the Future: Macau Shifts to Digital And to a More Ethical Approach
To give you a short context, remember that Macau is the only Chinese region where you are able to gamble legally. Considering its status, Macau is flourishing thanks to its administration, which is focusing so much on tourism, gambling, and premium casino services. However, in 2024, this changed thanks to an elaborate plan that aimed to diversify Macau's economy and revenue sources.
To have a better image of what gambling is to Macau's administration, one should know that gambling contributes approximately 80% of the regional tax revenue. Basically, Macau is at the point where it can almost rely on a single source of income.
The Development Plan For The Appropriate Diversification of The Macau SAR Economy
Starting in 2024 and by the end of 2028, Macau has to implement an intricate plan in order to achieve a certain degree of diversity in terms of economy. Macau aims to enhance its efficiency, with technology being the core of this transition.
So, an important part of this plan is the 1+4 strategy. Basically, it is a framework Macau's administration has to follow in order to achieve the transition to a digitalized identity. 2023 was the year of reference for how much Macau generated solely through its gaming services. In that year, the gambling industry managed to generate $28.4 billion. Now, picture a 24% growth in 2024 and imagine how successful this sector is.
We are certain that Macau is not willingly trying to lose this revenue, but obtain it through more diversified sources. And the 1+4 strategy explains very well how this is going to happen, so let's have a look at how Macau wants to switch from a brick and mortar casino market to a digital realm of tourism.
The 1+4 Strategy
In the Development Plan Macau is implementing, as we speak, the 1+4 strategy highlights the five most vital actions the administration has to take into consideration. These are fundamental for the success of this operation, but also for actually shifting Macau's revenue from being predominantly dominated by casinos and gambling activities.
A people-centric approach: Macau will focus on becoming one of the most educated regions that is technology-educated from China. People from Macau will have to become digitally literate, and the educational system will transform into a more digital age-oriented schematic plan of action.
Smart City: Aiming to become a staple, Macau will increase its adoption of green technologies and start implementing smart infrastructure
Integrated Tourism: The focus is on tourism with the purpose of encouraging it beyond the limits of gambling.
Technology adoption: Start-ups will be from now on encouraged to use innovative technologies to launch new products, with the purpose of improving the region's infrastructure or even educating young talent about what a digitalized city has to feel and look like.
Financial Evolution: Macau wants to minimize its dependency on gambling services. At present, almost all of Macau's revenue comes from gambling, which can become problematic really fast. Evolving into a diversified region, Macau has to focus on innovating its healthcare, technology, and networking sectors.
Other Actions And Technology Initiatives
Gambling still remains one of Macau's strongest assets. However, innovations in this sector will not count towards a more developed casino promo codes system. Considering the adoption and massive investments in technology, the first thing we should expect from Macau to launch is a state-of-the-art VR gambling service that anyone can access from anywhere in the world.
It is time for casinos to become a real and augmented experience, shifting the brick and mortar casino experience to an online digital realm. Another implementation that everybody saw coming was the adoption of AI and blockchain technologies. Galaxy Entertainment Group, one of the biggest resorts in Macau, has already partnered with one of the world's leading tech companies with the aim of developing scalable platforms powered by blockchain.
In order to achieve supremacy and a safe technologized environments, Macau's gambling giants have to focus on data privacy, cybersecurity and of course, responsible gambling.
Regulatory Innovation
Everything Macau is trying to implement and change to achieve a diverse, digitalized, and completely safe internal system has to be covered by impenetrable regulations and laws. Therefore, here are some key measures Macau has to cover and work on in the near future:
Licensing and monitoring digital gambling operators.
Strict and transparent AML protocols.
It is mandatory to implement and offer responsible gambling tools.
Macau is now aiming to become the digitally empowered gaming hub of China and, perhaps, the first region in the world with such impressive plans. The success of this 4-year operation will set a new standard for how adaptable this industry really is. All the other actors and business sectors that somehow correlate with iGaming should keep an eye on Macau and its methods.
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