canadianbob (加拿大)
Giving blood.....
This is an excellent idea, if you want to help but have limited funds (students?). It is practically painless and your body will replace it in a few days if you are in good health. The components can be separated (by centrifuge)and frozen to be shipped wherever they are needed. I had a part-time job at a blood bank many years ago when I was a student (keeping inventory in the freezer). I have donated about 50 times myself over the years, and I'm still above ground. I know many Chinese are wary of this (donating blood), but it is really a great thing to do for those injured in the disaster, and you could actually save someone's life. We "little peanuts" must do what we can from all over the world, and a mountain of peanuts is no small thing. I was very impressed with the government's prompt response and unrestricted coverage. The efficient mobilization of resources, grateful acceptance of aid from other countries and excellent moral support offered by the Premier was a beautiful thing to see. Anyways, give blood ---The East is Red(Cross)!
sock_monkey (美国)
People Of China, Our Thoughts Are With You
I am an American who had the good fortune of living in China for a year. I fell in love wth the kind people, the beautiful culture, and of course the great food. I miss China very much! I just wanted to send all my best wishes to the people in Sichuan as they struggle with this horrible earthquake. My heart go out to the people of China during this difficult time and I hope that the people of Sichuan face a minimum of hardship. We in America are thinking of you and wishing all the best for you!
Martin Padgett (加拿大)
My name is Martin Padgett and I live in Toronto, Canada. In 2003, I became the first foreigner to teach at Aba Teachers College. I also have wonderful memories of my time there. Fortunately, I have received word that the students and teachers at the college are safe. Photos taken by air after the earthquake show the students and teachers camped in the sports field. The buildings are all standing.
我叫Martin Padgett,住在加拿大的多伦多。2003年,我成为第一个在阿坝师范高等专科学校任教的外国人。我在那里度过了美好的时光。幸运的是,这个学校的师生都平安。从飞机上拍到的照片显示学校老师和学生都在操场上搭建了帐篷。所有建筑物都没有倒塌。
Ho Sai Yuen (加拿大)
Kudos to Premier Wen for his quick response and dedication in answering to the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province.
The Premier's true sense of dedication is not only commendable but should be recorded in the annals of history.
We are deeply touched by such a good and dedicated premiere in our midst - we feel proud as well as prideful to have him actively and tirelessly serving the nation in such a humble manner!
He is always in the forefront whenever a disaster or natural calamities affect the people at the grassroots level.
His exemplary example and love of the people should be emulated by both government officials and bureacrats all over China.
He has set an excellent example which is hard to match.
His untiring efforts are both an encouragement and asset to our country.
In this crucial context, the Nobel Foundation should consider awarding Premier Wen a Noble Peace Prize this year for his natural sense of dedication and devotion to his people and thereby contributing to international peace not only East Asia but all over the world...!
Loving everyone(HK)
I just watched a segment on CNN about the China earthquake. I was moved by the mobilization of the PLA and Wen. No matter what our differences are politically, the world sends its love to the Chinese people and our prayers.
As a person in China for almost ten years now, sincerely pray for those who are suffering now. And bless the efforts of the rescuers. Seeing PLA paratroop into remote areas is an awesome and great thing done by China.
Mike (HK)
Condolence to the survivors and families of those victims who were killed by the massive 7.9 magnitude earth quake on May 12,2008 especially student with their aspirations, hopes not being fulfilled, what a sad and sorrowful thing that their life were not spared , these potential future leaders and their dreams were prematurely terminated. Let peace & serenity be with them.
Chris Bloor (澳大利亚)
I have been to China 8 times and have many good friends in Chengdu. I am heartbroken over the damage this earthquake has caused. I really love China and the Chinese people and want to say that here in Australia I am praying for the victims and their families.
I also want to say how impressed I am with the swift response of the Chinese government. Very inspiring.
A thousand thanks to the PLA and the police force who went into the rescue action almost immediately without delay! Go, go, go! Keep up the high spirit and rescue as many as possible those who are still trapped under the rubble. All of you have done the Chinese nation proud for such speedy action to save every surviving compatriot.
One World (香港)
We only have one world, we are all people of that world. Seeing the loss of life, especially children but also the wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and others, has caused tears to flood my eyes.
I feel so deeply for all the families who are suffering from this disaster. I only hope that you can regain peace in your hearts soon as hard as it may be to imagine at this time.
We the world must unite together to show that we are behind those in need in Sichuan and the other provinces nearby.
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