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现让我们一起读一下蒙特利尔心脏病研究所正式的新闻发布稿:《The Montreal Heart Institute withdraws the privileges of a fundamental research scientist》,这是迄今该研究所对外发布的关于王志国学术不端(“scientific misconduct”)事件唯一的、最权威的文件,可惜,个别中国新闻记者不看原始的文件,听信王志国本人的一面之辞。在西方国家,一个被确证无诚信之人的证词是不被采信的。
上面那句话是西方文化中“开除王志国作为该所一位基础研究人员”的绅士说法。动词是“撤销”或 “解除”,主语是蒙特利尔心脏病研究所(医院)而不是王志国,这里没有提及是王志国 “withdraws” 自己 “research privileges and status as researcher”.
这份文件中最关键的一句是:“Following a rigorous process, the expert committee concluded that Mr. Wang was found to have deviated from MHI’s ethical standards of proper scientific conduct and his responsibilities as a researcher”(调查证实,王志国先生违反了蒙特利尔心脏病研究所科研的行为准则和偏离了科学研究人员应有的责任)。 这句话就给王志国的问题定了性。正因为关键,这句话在王志国散发给中文媒体的材料中没有出现。
再看这一段“In compliance with the recommendations of the committee and senior management of the Research Centre, the MHI’s Executive Director took the immediate action to proceed with the necessary sanctions; Mr. Wang’s research privileges and status as researcher were removed and his laboratory was closed. The MHI has also requested the retraction of three additional scientific articles”(根据调查委员会和研究中心管理高层的提议,蒙特利尔心脏病研究所所长速作出如下惩罚决定:撤销王志国作为研究人员的权利和职位,关闭其实验室。蒙特利尔心脏病研究所要求他再撤销另外三篇学术论文)。这里是被动语态,王志国作为研究人员的权利和职位被removed(解除), 这又是西方文化“开除王志国的工作”的绅士表达。学过英文的人都知道, 不是王志国本人removes自己的“research privileges and status as researcher”。王志国对中文媒体说是他本人辞职的,不是被解雇的。王志国不是不懂英文,而是死要面子出此下策。
9月2在研究所的新闻发布会上,科研处长塔蒂夫(Jean-Claude Tardif)主任说,独立委员会的调查结果表明,王志国违反了研究所的科研行为准则,这是一个“很严重”的问题。塔蒂夫还表示,这件事情之所以重要,是因为相关研究属於全球性的课题,公布或发表成果都是所有的科学家共同分享,因此必须绝对保证资讯的准确性,并达到了最高的科研水准。
必须强调的是,在蒙特利尔心脏病研究所正式的新闻发布稿中还有这么一句话;“The report and names of the committee members will be kept confidential in order to protect the identity of all those involved and to maintain the confidentiality of the scientific misconduct denunciation process, in accordance with MHI’s policies and general guidelines”(根据本研究所的相关政策和规定, 为了保护所有相关人员以及学术不端调查过程的保密性,调查委员会的报告以及组成人员姓名保密,不对外公布)。王志国在中文媒体上大量散布未经证实的“先造假、后举报的实验员”以及泄漏调查报告的内容,明显的是违背上述规定的,也是违背他与研究所达成的相关协议的。遵纪、守法、守信本是一个正常人应该做的事情。
上周二晚上,王志国从胡宪处得到我家的电话号码后来电,威胁我,如果我不按照他的意思修改我的博文《为啥千人学者王志国被解雇?》(http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=51597&do=blog&id=483093) 怎么怎么。其实,我在那篇博文中曾经说过“王志国给我的印象是忠厚老实、沉默寡言、低调实干”。看样子,外表老实的人其实不一定老实。
读者在Google上可以用“Zhiguo Wang, chercheur congédié pour fraude scientifique”(法文:王志国,学术造假被开除),或者 “Zhiguo Wang, Montreal Heart Institute researcher fired after investigation of scientific misconduct” (英文:王志国,学术不端调查后被蒙特利尔心脏病研究所开除), 看能找到多少加拿大媒体公开发布的消息。如果王志国是主动辞职而不是被解雇的,王志国赶快到法院起诉这些大媒体,“赔偿”一定不少,快去!
Here is the press release from the Montreal Heart Institute:
The Montreal Heart Institute withdraws the privileges of a fundamental research scientist
MONTREAL, Sept. 2, 2011 /CNW Telbec/ – During today’s press conference, Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, Director of the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) Research Centre, gave a briefing on the allegations of scientific misconduct with regard to the fundamental research work of Mr. Zhiguo Wang.
Dr. Tardif explained that, at the end of June, the MHI Research Centre’s officials were informed that two of Mr. Zhiguo Wang’s publications had been retracted from two scientific journals. The MHI’s management immediately mandated an independent expert committee to investigate allegations of possible scientific misconduct. The investigation was conducted in accordance with MHI’s Research Institutional Policy and the highest level of ethical standards for conducting scientific research.
Following a rigorous process, the expert committee concluded that Mr. Wang was found to have deviated from MHI’s ethical standards of proper scientific conduct and his responsibilities as a researcher. The report and names of the committee members will be kept confidential in order to protect the identity of all those involved and to maintain the confidentiality of the scientific misconduct denunciation process, in accordance with MHI’s policies and general guidelines.
In compliance with the recommendations of the committee and senior management of the Research Centre, the MHI’s Executive Director took the immediate action to proceed with the necessary sanctions; Mr. Wang’s research privileges and status as researcher were removed and his laboratory was closed. The MHI has also requested the retraction of three additional scientific articles. The MHI ensured that all relevant stakeholders were informed in order to guarantee that all necessary measures surrounding this situation were being implemented.
Dr. Tardif also stated that: “ Mr. Zhiguo Wang is not a physician. His activities at the MHI consisted in conducting fundamental research studies at the cellular level. Mr. Wang’s research work did not involve patients and was not associated with any drug testing.”
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