Immigrants to the United States often ditch their ethnic diets for high-calorie American fare, partly because it is cheap and easy to find but also as a way to fit in, a new study shows.
Immigrants who eat American are consuming, on average, 182 extra calories and seven additional grams of saturated fat compared to immigrants who stick to their traditional diet, leaving the fast-food immigrants more likely to become obese and suffer chronic illnesses related to obesity.
The researchers conducted two experiments focused on Asian-Americans to see if they \"choose and consume American foods as a way to convey that they belong in America.\"
In the first experiment, a group of Asian-Americans was \"threatened\" by being asked if they could speak English, and then asked to note down their favorite food. A control group noted down their preferred dish without having their American-ness \"threatened.\" The threatened group was three times more likely to say they liked a typical American dish best than the unthreatened group.
In the second experiment, Asian-Americans were asked to choose from items on a menu listing typically American fare or one featuring Asian fare. The Asian-Americans who were trying to assert their US identity after having it challenged were eating \"the caloric and fat equivalent of an extra four-piece order of McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets over those who were not threatened,\" says the study.
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