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In 1927, Joe Thompson, an employee of the Southland Ice Company in Dallas, Texas, began selling eggs, milk, and bread from a makeshift storefront in one of the company’s icehouses. These bare necessities were kept cold thanks to the ice Southland produced, and local residents liked the convenience of avoiding the crowds and aisles of a regular grocery store if they only had to pick up a few items.
By 1946, Southland had several shops under the names Tote'm and City Ice and wanted to give all of its stores a common name. It was Tracy-Locke Advertising that chose the famed “7-11” to reflect the stores new extended hours — 7:00 am to 11:00 pm—in order to capitalize on the post-World War II economic boom.
但令人意外的是,后来“7-Eleven”的正式商标标记方式,却是 “7-ELEVEn”,结尾的n是小写的。
查阅资料后,小酱发现没有官方说法( no official answer),但网上流传有几种解释:
第四种说法是,公司总裁的妻子认为,如果Logo全部使用大写,似乎有点刺眼,所以她建议用小写的n,这样会使Logo更加“优雅”。这是7-11在德克萨斯州总部的公关总监玛格丽特·查比斯(Margaret Chabis)说的,但未经证实。
The wife of the company’s president then thought that with all caps, it would seem a little harsh, so she suggested that the “n” should be in lower case. This will make the logo more “graceful”. This was allegedly told by Margaret Chabis, the PR Director at 7-Eleven HQ in Texas, but it is unverified.
According to fengshui, since the store is often located in the corner of a street (in Singapore case, some of them in the corner of a shopping centre), the lowercase “n” is used as it is “smoother” and will, therefore, draw money or luck.
那为什么不是用全部数字(7-11),或全部英文(Seven-Eleven), 或者前面英文,后面数字(Seven-11)呢?
7-Eleven的官方回复是:The specific reason is unknown.Image
convenience store 便利店
24 Hours Convenience Store 24小时营业的便利店
chain store 连锁店
grocery store 杂货店
neighborhood market 社区超市
supermarket 超市
hypermarket 特大型超市
delicatessen 熟食店
green grocer 蔬菜水果店
clerk/shop assistant 店员
cash register 收银机
cashier 收银员
microwave 微波炉
receipt 收据,小票
cigarette 香烟
juice 果汁
plastic bag 塑料袋
sandwich 三明治
steamed bun 包子(也可以直接说Baozi)
battery 电池
lighter 打火机
potato chips 薯片
Please heat this up for me.
May I have a plastic bag, please?
How much is it altogether?
Here is your change.
Do you have any condiments for the hot dogs?
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