美国康乃狄克州爆发重大校园枪击血案前几天,凶嫌亚当?蓝札(Adam Lanza)的母亲南西(Nancy)告诉朋友,儿子的状况「恶化」,说她「快要失去他了」。
亚当?蓝札14日朝母亲南西头部开了数枪后,驱车前往桑迪胡克小学(Sandy Hool Elementary School)滥射,杀害20名儿童和6名成人。
他说南西是波士顿红袜(Red Sox)的死忠球迷,会买季票去芬威球场(Fenway Park)看球,也是个热爱打猎的乡村女孩。
Witnesses say Lanza was going from room to room shooting people, after first killing the principal Dawn Hochsprung and the school psychologist Mary Sherlach execution-style when they confronted him in the hallway
Nancy's friends recalled a time when Adam was ill, he didn't want his mother to be in his room with him so she slept outside the door on the carpet all night but would call to her to make sure he was there
Innocent once: Gunman Adam Lanza was just another fresh-faced student once, described by peers as shy but intelligent
Outsider: Former classmates remember Lanza walking through school dressed in black, carrying a black briefcase.
Nancy Lanza's home in Newtown, Connecticut, was raided after 2 pm on Friday and she was found shot dead from an apparent gunshot wound to the face
Photographs released of the young victims of Friday's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School reveal 18 of the 20 smiling faces of the innocent boys and girls whose lives were so tragically cut short.
Killer: Adam Lanza shot and murdered 27 people Friday, 20 of them schoolchildren
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