如果您目前正在领取或在过去3年内领取过EI, 或在5年内享受过产假或病假津贴,
第一, 您可以申请政府资助的专业技能培训, 再创新事业;
第二, 您可受益于“目标工资补贴”计划而优先就业;
第三, 您可享受特设的自雇优惠计划。
欢迎来访温哥华 333 Terminal Avenue 502室或致电(604)684-2504查询我们的专业服务。
Employment Services @ISS for Employment Insurance People
For your information, Multilingual Case Management is one of Immigrant Services Society’s employment counselling programs, is funded by the Federal Government, and has served the employment needs of Vancouver and the Lower Mainland for over 10 years. We provide one-on-one employment counselling in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Hindi and Farsi; at no cost to clients.
For more information about our program, please call 604-684-2504. We are grateful for your referrals.
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