据马来西亚《星报》3月13日报道,马来西亚首相属部长斯里沙希淡.卡欣( Seri Shahidan Kassim)已经确认,他将于当天早上飞往某地,核实一则MH370可能已被发现的消息。
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim confirmed that he will be flying to an undisclosed location late Thursday morning to verify possible sightings of the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370.
“We will be passing whatever information we have to the Transport Ministry. You have to wait for the official announcement,” he said.
Shahidan, who is in charge of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), did not want to elaborate on his flight, only saying that it was MMEA’s responsibility to verify information of possible locations of the missing plane following any reports of sightings.
When asked if his trip to the undisclosed location was related to images from China’s satellites which are alleged to have detected the missing plane, he said, “We will check on any information received on the possible sighting of the plane, be it from the public or any agencies.”
On whether he had any message for family members of passengers aboard MH370 who were awaiting news, Shahidan said that it was out of his jurisdiction to make any official statement and that the families would have to wait for announcements by Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
On whether the haze would hamper the multinational joint search and rescue operation, Shahidan said that it was a minor hindrance.
“However, we have high-tech equipment to help us in our search of the plane, which is our main priority,” he said.
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