Iran is raining rockets on Israel. Remember this when Israel answers back. And they will answer back. pic.twitter.com/XFAkhiRlKi
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) October 1, 2024
Israel is under an insane attack right now by Iran. This would not be happening if Trump were President.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) October 1, 2024
This November we must bring back mean tweets and world peace! pic.twitter.com/YTProy4uPO
The missiles hitting Israel right now are the same ones Biden and Harris worked to lift UN sanctions on the first month he took office.
— Gabriel Noronha (@GLNoronha) October 1, 2024
They said it would help promote diplomacy with Iran.pic.twitter.com/N8bC0laztU
This is Israel right now.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) October 1, 2024
Imagine if this was Paris, London, Berlin, or New York.
Iran must and will pay. pic.twitter.com/UXKwqOidbE
Footage of ballistic missiles arriving in Israel sent by the Islamic regime in Iran and there are reports of missile hit or fragment of one falling in Tel Aviv. Updates to follow. This is the fourth round of sirens in Tel Aviv tonight. ❤️🩹 pic.twitter.com/Vn25OpIBpk
— Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) October 1, 2024
Approx. 10 million civilians are the targets of Iranian projectiles. pic.twitter.com/680uDJm3CJ
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 1, 2024
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