在这封英文信中,独立知识分子们写道:不畏中国政府对CNN的封杀,CNN以真诚和最好的成效,报道了中国对西藏和平示威的镇压,CNN的报道总体上是公正和平衡的,卡福提(Cafferty)先生对中国政府的评论也是准确和真实的。我们强烈抗议中国政府开展的对CNN和 Cafferty的抹黑运动。
这封支持CNN的英文信指中国政府在西藏危机之后,打压国内媒体自由,加强网络封锁,指使海内外华人对抗新闻自由,并称“中国政府是当今世界最野蛮和最压迫的政府(most barbaric and oppressive)”。信中赞扬CNN“作为世界最大的新闻媒体之一,也是新闻自由的冠军,在过去的20多年来,激励了许多中国人为追求独立媒体的斗争”。信中最后写道:现在我们非常希望,CNN没有从推进和捍卫世界共同价值观的战场上,被中国政府吓倒或后退。
Dear Mr. President of the CNN:
In the midst of the controversy over CNN's Tibetan coverage and Mr. Cafferty's remarks on the Chinese government, we, a group of Chinese from many countries, rise to support CNN in defending freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Despite the Chinese government's blockade, CNN reported recent brutal crackdown on Tibetan peaceful demonstrations in good faith and best effort. CNN's coverage was fair and balanced while Mr. Cafferty's characterization of the Chinese government was accurate and truthful. We vehemently condemn the Chinese government's smear campaign against CNN and Mr. Cafferty.
As the world has known, the Chinese communist government has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Tibet and tens of millions in other parts of China. It has systematically suppressed political dissidents, violated the citizens' civil rights and fabricated damnable lies. Just this month, a human right activist Mr. Hu Jia had been sentenced to three and half years in prison while Premier Wen Jia Bao lied shamelessly on TV that no dissidents had been arrested. In order to cover up their bloody hands in the Tibetan atrocity, the Chinese government has incited anti-Western hatred and orchestrated pro-communist propaganda campaigns in many parts of the world, including a number of American university campuses as we all have witnessed. By any standards, the Chinese government is one of the most barbaric and oppressive regimes in today's world.
Mr. Cafferty has had the courage to stand firm and call the Chinese government what it truly is. He represents the consciousness and will of all free people. Clearly his remarks were not referring to the vast majority of ordinary Chinese people. We are sorry for those who have misunderstood Mr. Cafferty and felt offended.
As one of world's largest news organizations, CNN has championed the cause of free press. For more than 20 years, CNN has been an inspiration to many of those who have been striving for independent media within China. It is our great hope that CNN would not be intimidated by the Chinese government and would not retreat from promoting and defending our common values around world.
Thank you CNN!
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