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www.creaders.net | 2014-02-24 00:39:46  网络 | 0条评论 | 查看/发表评论

Chinese Americans are crazy forwarded an open letter. Asked the Chinese to unite to the White House website petition to unite against limiting the proportion of Asians in California SCA5 enrollment proposal. The bill just passed by the Senate in California, aimed at reducing the proportion of Asian enrollment at the University of California, and let more Hispanic and Latino schools.


Asian American Chinese think California limit enrollment ratio than last year's ABC TV "kill Chinese people" remarks to be serious and more. If the words of the Chinese television has unfairly described, the new proposal has been threatening the vital interests of the Chinese people in the United States.


The U.S. launched a White House petition Chinese, requiring 18 March 2014 to collect 100,000 signatures. Such attention may lead to the White House the bill. And there are many Chinese want to write directly to Members, in order to influence legislators to vote.


With the impact of this matter more and more, "affirmative action," the experienced several controversial concept in American history, once again surfaced.


January 30, 2014, California USA is celebrating the Chinese New Year, Latino Democratic state senator Hernandez made a proposal to the joy of Asians who poured cold water: The University of California system opined Asia American students too many requirements to limit enrollment of Asian, Latino and African-improving systems in increasing enrollment ratios.


This proposal has been in the January 30, 2014 California Senate 27 votes in favor and nine votes against. Next to mention the upcoming State Assembly vote. If this proposal is passed in the State Assembly, in November this year will be a referendum to decide whether to resume the implementation of the so-called "affirmative action" at the University of California campus, limit enrollment of Asian, Latino and African multiple strokes.


It is worth mentioning that, in the Senate by Senator The resolution requires a two-thirds vote to allow the bill to be supported. Calculation was based on the number of votes needed 26 votes (39 * 2/3). The three Chinese, but all voted Democrat vote. This three votes played a decisive role.


The proposal is currently waiting waiting by the House of Representatives in California. At the moment, California's 80 seats in the House, Democrats have 55 seats, 25 seats Republicans. According to the current partisan divide, the proposal passed by the House of Representatives in the possibility of very large.


If the bill finally passed, Asian students will greatly reduce the number of admissions at the University of California system, it was expected to rise from 40% down to about 12%. Means that many of the best Asian students can be admitted to the UC.


This proposal came out, shocked the Chinese community in California. Chinese parents have excitedly spread the news in the hope that the White House petition, parliamentarians and other ways to reverse the situation.


Political context of proposals: increasing Latino population in California Eng

Why this point in time such a bill would be introduced? This growth in the Hispanic population in California has a great relationship. I looked the proportion of the population of California found that in California, the proportion is about 14.9% Chinese, and Latino and African population of about 37.6 percent. Rising Latino population and African population of this group decided to fight for more benefits for themselves. Therefore, this proposal does not appear accidental.


In addition, with the mid-term elections and the 2016 presidential election looming ever. Democrats know that to keep his advantage, still have to show good growing by Latino and African populations to increase votes. Because these populations are usually staunch supporters of the Democratic Party. Therefore, parties to ensure their interests. In contrast, Asians in the United States have a common "political apathy" phenomenon, do not vote, do not care about politics is a typical feature of the Asian population. So long, the interests of the Asian population, politically difficult to be guaranteed.


Focus: affirmative action and reverse discrimination.

The so-called "affirmative action" was born in the U.S. civil rights movement of the last century, the turbulent 1960s, the two presidents Kennedy and Johnson for the implementation of the "Civil Rights Act" and have signed a series aimed at the entry and employment of minorities for preferential care Presidential Decree.


Act: all funded by federal and local government public schools have a responsibility to implement "affirmative action" to take on the enrollment quotas or extra points way for ethnic minority students priority admission. Today, it has become one of the most important impact of the U.S. bill minorities, there are statistics show that Asian students generally score higher than other ethnic groups, in terms of admissions, racial proportions "affirmative action" is set to make achievements importance to make way for the emergence of Asian students admission scores higher than the percentage of African-American and Latino phenomenon. Such a system makes the achievements of Asian students in relatively good, very good compared with other ethnic Chinese students get the job. A lot of people put education in the field of "affirmative action" criticized as "reverse discrimination" (Reverse Discrimination).

法案规定:凡是受到联邦及地方政府资助的公立学校都有责任落实“平权法案”,在招生上采取配额或加分的方式让少数族裔学生优先入学。时至今日,它已成为影响美国少数族裔最重要的法案之一,有数据统计显示,亚裔学生成绩普遍高于其他族裔,在录取方面,“平权法案”的种族比例设置使成绩的重要性作出让位,出现了亚裔学生录取分数线比非裔和拉丁裔高出上百分的现象。这样的制度使得成绩在亚裔学生中比较优秀、同其他族裔相比十分优秀的华裔学生落榜。很多人把教育领域的“平权法案”批评为“逆向歧视”(Reverse Discrimination)。

California passed Proposition 209 in 1996, becoming the nation's first public university to prohibit racial enrollment decision states. Government can not employ race as a criterion. SCA5 constitutional amendment proposal by Senate bill would abolish section 209 requirements, including government agencies, including non-individuals or groups because of race, sex, color or national origin, be given special treatment in public education. And this proposal makes the University of California system, the proportion of Asians increased significantly.


The new SCA5 apparently Recovery "affirmative action" tendencies. Promoters in an open letter said that the essence of the bill is to allow students to decide the fate of the basis of race.

而新的SCA5显然有恢复“平权法案”的倾向。 发起人在公开信中表示,这次法案实质是允许根据种族决定学生的去留。

Two different sounds

Message one. The reaction is of course the biggest Asian students parents. USA and China people's instinctive reaction is to fight together for the benefit of their own ethnic group, the message is being received so I went to the White House website petition Chinese Americans from all different sources.


"If this happens in black or Jewish body, you can imagine how they would react? This reminds me of the sixties China, with family background admitted to university, which is the elimination of the practice of talents. Humanity!" Such a father to express their ideas.


Living in California, has two daughters, Cai Yan told reporters, "I fully understand why this bill introduced. Latino population in California a lot, but the overall acceptance rate is not high college and they hope the new bill improve the level of education of Latinos, but to do so at the expense of the interests of whites and Asian-based, I hope to have a better solution, such as setting a lower limit for each ethnic group admitted without a ceiling. "



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