英媒1月22日称,美国加州当地时间1月21日晚上举行的农历新年庆祝活动发生枪击事件,多人中枪伤亡。警方正在应对这宗发生在蒙特雷公园(City of Monterey Park,美国华裔普遍称之为蒙市)的袭击事件。
RMG News称,在案发生后数小时的当地时间早上12时30分(香港时间22日下午4时30分),警方仍未能确定案中确实死伤人数。
🚨#BREAKING: New radio traffic has been released from tonight’s mass shooting at Monterey Park in California. First responders reported 10 deceased with 6 others injured, bring the total victims to 16. pic.twitter.com/8MaNyhsd9A
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) January 22, 2023
1/ #USA
— David Kime (@CyberRealms1) January 22, 2023
There was a shooting in Monterey Park in California, killing 10 people. At least 9 more were injured.
At the time, the neighbourhood was celebrating Chinese New Year. According to police, the attacker is still at large, his motives are unknown. pic.twitter.com/tyCQxBT9Mn
RMG News报道称,枪击案发生在当地时间晚上约10时30分(香港时间22日下午2时30分),地点在西加维大街122号(122. West Garvey Avenue)。 《洛杉矶时报》引述执法人员消息称,事件发生在当地时间晚上10时(香港时间22日下午2时)。
发生枪击案的蒙市位于洛杉矶县(Los Angeles county),距离洛杉矶市中心约11公里。
Woo hoo, the Lunar New Year Celebration takes place this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, Jan. 21-22 in Downtown Monterey Park! 🐇🎊 Admission is free!
— City of Monterey Park (@CityofMPK) January 20, 2023
Street closure, parking, free shuttle info and more at https://t.co/CDyEjy5aD7@MontereyParkRec #lunarnewyear #sgv #montereypark pic.twitter.com/BGNVUWVTFG
Wow…mass shooting in Monterey Park — up to 10 reported dead — in the area of Garfield/Garvey where there was a Lunar New Year festival, which I attended with a few friends. pic.twitter.com/ejNPbdcQdY
— Facts Chaser 🌎 🐶 🤦🏻♂️ (@Factschaser) January 22, 2023
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