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研究朝鲜领导阶层的专家麦登(Michael Madden)说,金正恩的女儿应该与这名女孩年纪相仿。“今年应该快10岁,这跟官媒镜头中显示的女孩的年龄差不多。”
Chinese NK experts wrote about a girl appearing special to KJU, maybe daughter/family, performing at the National Day concert Sep 8. Disclaimer: It notes issues with focusing on a kid, and I think must be considered palace intrigue not serious news..https://t.co/kRy1oWAFbd pic.twitter.com/XmuwcPOQT1
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) September 19, 2022
Chinese NK experts wrote about a girl appearing special to KJU, maybe daughter/family, performing at the National Day concert Sep 8. Disclaimer: It notes issues with focusing on a kid, and I think must be considered palace intrigue not serious news..https://t.co/kRy1oWAFbd pic.twitter.com/XmuwcPOQT1
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) September 19, 2022
But so it notes how Ri Sol Ju interacts with her, her special haircut, wearing white socks to stand out, standing center stage, video edits cutting to a zoom of her after shots of KJU/wife/Kim Yo Jong beaming and singing along. I've reviewed and discovered she also ... pic.twitter.com/08zbdCEock
— Colin Zwirko (@ColinZwirko) September 19, 2022
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