1. 美国是一个主权国家,我们的首要任务始终是确保我们公民的安全。
President @realDonaldTrump: America is a sovereign nation and our first priority is always the safety and security of our citizens. https://t.co/955k8a9miC pic.twitter.com/16MhoqK0QV
— Department of State (@StateDept) December 17, 2020
2. 中国共产党构成了真正的威胁。我们希望中共以正常的方式参与世界舞台。
.@SecPompeo: The Chinese Communist Party poses a real threat. We want China to engage on the world stage the way we ask every other nation to. pic.twitter.com/mQ7bHnXES1
— Department of State (@StateDept) December 17, 2020
3. 中国共产党对美国国家安全的威胁已扩展到我们的金融市场,并影响到了美国的投资者,看看我们的资金是如何投资到了那些主要参与军事生产和侵犯人权的中共公司的:
The Chinese Communist Party’s threat to American national security extends into our financial markets and impacts U.S. investors. Learn how money flowing into major indices supports Chinese companies involved in military production and human rights abuses: https://t.co/ahxkGBFpjL
— Department of State (@StateDept) December 17, 2020
4. 为了维护我们社会的自由、繁荣和未来,我们必须共同努力,继续跨大西洋,唤醒大家以应对中共的挑战。
.@SecPompeo: We have to work together to continue the Transatlantic awakening to the China challenge, in the interest of preserving our free societies, our prosperity, and our future. pic.twitter.com/fLYIHemPUk
— Department of State (@StateDept) December 17, 2020
5. 中国共产党想要我们拥有的东西,他们正竭尽所能,从窃取我们的东西到压制批评他们的声音。
.@SecPompeo: The Chinese Communist Party wants what we have, and it’ll do whatever it takes to get it, from stealing our stuff to pressuring critics of the CCP to keep quiet. pic.twitter.com/W5wetXzQBf
— Department of State (@StateDept) December 17, 2020
6. 中共的科学家并不是癌症治疗的先驱,我们才是;朝鲜的生物化学家并未生产安全的新冠疫苗,我们才是;伊朗人在超级计算方面并不领先,我们才是。自由世界和自由人民产生了卓越的成就,我们应该为此感到自豪。
Chinese Communist Party scientists aren’t pioneering cancer cures. We are. North Korean biochemists aren’t producing safe COVID vaccines. We are. Iranians aren’t ahead in supercomputing. We are. The free world and free people produce superior results. We should be proud of that. pic.twitter.com/Zl4QU91OOk
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) December 17, 2020
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